Results for 'B. de Spengler'

921 found
  1.  6
    SPENGLER, OSWALD, Man and Technics. A Contribution to a Philosophy of Life. Editado por Michael Putnam y John B. Morgan. Traducido por Charles Francis Atkinson y Michael Putnam. Prefacio de Lars Holger Holm, Arktos Media, [s.l.], 2015, 80 pp. [REVIEW]Víctor Zorrilla - 2018 - Anuario Filosófico 51 (3):627-631.
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  2. Philosophy of History: An Introduction. [REVIEW]B. H. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (1):140-140.
    The emphasis in this approach to philosophy of history is on the system philosophers. The emphasis itself follows from the theme of the book, which is that man's vision of historical reality is ultimately reducible to religious or secular notions of progress, or to cyclical recurrence of some kind. All other outlooks on history are taken to be merely variations on these two basic themes. As a result, the modern existentialist, phenomenological and analytic approaches to history are all lumped together (...)
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  3. A liver for a kidney: Ethics of trans-organ paired exchange.Emond J. Samstein B., de Melo-Martin I., Kapur S., Ratner L. - 2018 - American Journal of Transplantation 18 (5):1077-1082.
    Living donation provides important access to organ transplantation, which is the optimal therapy for patients with end-stage liver or kidney failure. Paired exchanges have facilitated thousands of kidney transplants and enable transplantation when the donor and recipient are incompatible. However, frequently willing and otherwise healthy donors have contraindications to the donation of the organ that their recipient needs. Trans-organ paired exchanges would enable a donor associated with a kidney recipient to donate a lobe of liver and a donor associated with (...)
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    Toward a Biological Theory of Emotional Body Language.B. De Gelder - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (2):130-132.
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  5. Correspondentie.G. B. De - 1936 - Synthese 1 (3):89-92.
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  6. Praeparatio cordis ad plura perferenda. S. Augustin, De Sermone Domini in monte I 19, 59 et 20, 66 (Mt 5, 39 ss).B. De Margerie - 1992 - Augustinianum 32 (1):145-160.
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    Nicolas Berdiaeff La gnose et la philosophie existentielle.B. De Schloezer & Léon Chestov - 1948 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138:1 - 35.
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  8. (1 other version)Le troisième jour, selon les Ecritures, il est ressuscité. Importance théologique d'une recherche exégétique.B. De Margerie - 1986 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 60 (3-4):158-188.
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  9. Sul legame del ritmo e delle parole in alcune formule di canti tradizionali. Nozioni di metrica orale.B. De Cornulier - 2000 - Studi di Estetica 21:41-61.
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    Expérience et théorie dans l'élaboration et dans l'application d'une doctrine scientifique.B. De Finetti - 1955 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 60 (3):264 - 286.
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  11. Knowledge and Representation.B. de Gelder (ed.) - 1982 - Routledge & Kegan Paul.
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    Daytime parahypnagogia: A state of consciousness that occurs when we almost fall asleep.E. B. Gurstelle & J. L. de Oliveira - 2004 - Medical Hypotheses 62:166-8.
  13. How to Give a Piece of Your Mind: Or, the Logic of Belief and Assent.Ronald B. De Sousa - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):52 - 79.
    Nothing seems to follow strictly from 'X believes that p'. But if we reinterpret it to mean: 'X can consistently be described as consistently believing p'--which roughly renders, I think, Hintikka's notion of "defensibility"--we can get on with the subject, freed from the inhibitions of descriptive adequacy. But defensibility is neither necessary nor sufficient for truth: it tells us little, therefore, about the concept of belief on which it is based. It cannot, in particular, specify necessary conditions for the consistent (...)
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  14. Speech-perception by ear and eye: a paradigm for psychological inquiry. Commentary/Massaro.B. De Gelder & J. Vroomen - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (4):762-762.
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    Commentaire de la Critique de la Raison pure de Kant (1907).Hermann Cohen & Marc B. De Launay - 1989 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 94 (2):165 - 170.
  16.  6
    Mannen en vrouwen omgeven door taaie instituties.B. Vis & C. de Vries - 2009 - Res Publica (Misc) 51 (4):557-563.
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    Dans le taureau de Phalaris (Le savoir et la liberté).Léon Chestov & B. De Schlœzer - 1933 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 115:18 - 60.
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  18. Le péché des origines, à la lumière de la justice initiale, du Magistère récent et du jugement final.B. De Margerie - 1991 - Revue Thomiste 91 (4):624-650.
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    La Genèse (La Sainte Bible traduite en français sous la direction de l'École Biblique de Jérusalem)La Genese.J. B. P. & R. de Vaux - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (2):290.
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  20. Le vrai et le probable.B. De Finetti - 1949 - Dialectica 3 (1‐2):78-92.
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    “O tempo como critério de verificação da possibilidade do discurso filosófico” A lógica do tempo e de outras palavras fundamentais.Augusto B. De Carvalho Dias Leite - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):187-192.
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    La phrase: énonciation et information.Haiim B. Rosén, Société de Linguistique de Paris, Laurent Danon-Boileau, Marie-Christine Hazaël-Massieux, Jack Feuillet, Irina Fougeron, Jean Perrot & Mary-Annick Morel - 1994 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Marcel Beaufils fut un pedagogue exceptionnel qui exerca une influence decisive sur l'evolution de l'esthetique musicale en France, a partir des annees 50. Or, parmi ses ouvrages, Musique du son, musique du verbe est tres certainement celui qui porte le plus fortement la marque de son activite d'enseignant au Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique de Paris ; cette mission, il semblait l'entendre davantage comme celle d'un declencheur d'idees, catalyseur, plutot que du transmetteur d'un savoir fige une fois pour toutes. Bouleversant (...)
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    Martin Buber. Un mystique juif de langue allemande.Léon Chestov & B. De Schloczer - 1933 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 116:430 - 442.
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    Idealization Vi: Idealization in Economics.Bert Hamminga & Neil B. De Marchi (eds.) - 1994 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Introduction. Bert HAMMINGA and Neil DE MARCHI: Préface. Bert HAMMINGA and Neil DE MARCHI: Idealization and the Defence of Economics: Notes Toward a History. Part I: General Observations on Idealization in Economics. Kevin D. HOOVER: Six Queries about Idealization in an Empirical Context. Bernard WALLISER: Three Generalization Processes for Economic Models. Steven COOK and David HENDRY: The Theory of Reduction in Econometrics. Maarten C.W. JANSSEN: Economic Models and Their Applications. Adolfo GARCÍA DE LA SIENRA: Idealization and Empirical Adequacy in Economic (...)
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    Notícias do galinheiro.J. B. De Souza Freitas - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 1:7-11.
    Convenções e costumes estabelecem que a denominação galinheiro prevaleça em espaços destinados abrigar bichos de pena de variadas extrações. Este o caso do galinheiro em questão, cujo domínio, em que pese a absoluta maioria galinácea, é ostensivamente exercido por casal de perus. Caminhos se abrem quando todo enfunado, rabo imponentemente aberto em leque, o senhor peru desanda grugrulejante e majestoso a desfilar.Fato de subidíssima relevância motiva-o no momento a incorporar com frequência essa postura de maneira menos casual: madame perua está (...)
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    O caminho E as suas etapas: As quatro nobres verdades , O nobre óctuplo caminho E os estágios dos buscadores.Clodomir B. De Andrade - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (133):105-125.
    RESUMO Este artigo objetiva ser uma breve introdução à práxis soteriológica budista, enfatizando, num primeiro momento, as quatro nobres verdades, aquele conjunto de intuições fundamentais formuladas pelo Buda desde o seu primeiro sermão; depois se descreve o nobre óctuplo caminho, o conjunto de práticas ensinadas pelo Buda para a consecução da experiência do despertar; finalmente, descrevem-se os estágios do caminho tanto no ambiente theravādin quanto na tradição mahāyāna. ABSTRACT This article aims at being a brief introduction to the soteriological praxis (...)
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  27. Nonconscious emotions: New findings and perspectives on nonconscious facial expression recognition and its voice and whole body contexts.B. De Gelder - 2005 - In Barr (ed.), Emotion and Consciousness. Guilford Press. pp. 123--149.
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    Propositional intuitionistic multiple-conclusion calculus via proof graphs.Ruan V. B. Carvalho, Anjolina G. de Oliveira & Ruy J. G. B. de Queiroz - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
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    Effects of Rationing of Nursing Care in Switzerland.M. Schubert, B. Schaffert-Witvliet & Sabina De Geest - unknown
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    A la mémoire d'un grand philosophe Edmund Husserl.Léon Chestov & B. De Schloezer - 1940 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 129 (1/2):5 - 32.
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  31. What’s wrong with the modern evolutionary synthesis? A critical reply to Welch.Koen B. Tanghe, Alexis De Tiège, Lieven Pauwels, Stefaan Blancke & Johan Braeckman - 2018 - Biology and Philosophy 33 (3-4):23.
    Welch :263–279, 2017) has recently proposed two possible explanations for why the field of evolutionary biology is plagued by a steady stream of claims that it needs urgent reform. It is either seriously deficient and incapable of incorporating ideas that are new, relevant and plausible or it is not seriously deficient at all but is prone to attracting discontent and to the championing of ideas that are not very relevant, plausible and/or not really new. He argues for the second explanation. (...)
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    Memento Mori (A propos de la théorie de la connaissance d'Edmond Husserl).Léon Chestov & B. De Schlœzer - 1926 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 101:5 - 62.
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    History of Mediaeval Philosophy.Gerald B. Phelan & Maurice de Wulf - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46 (4):436.
  34. La filosofía del diálogo intercultural en el pensamiento de Raúl Fornet-Betancourt.Álvaro B. Márquez-Fernández & Livio R. De Los Ríos Pirela - 2001 - Telos (Venezuela) 3 (3):278-286.
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    Um Brasil poético e solidário.J. B. De Souza Freitas - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 4:3-6.
    Alci, Miguelzinho e Lazinho trouxeram espigas de milho, as primeiras colhidas no milharal de Ivo e Sueli, amigos e vizinhos, e Rosilene colocou na panela. Mais tarde, Alci, voltou com imensa abóbora que foi logo transformada em doce e ainda será quibebe e sopa, tudo em fogão de lenha. Neste recanto do sul de Minas, descoberto há cinco anos, conseguimos construir um pequeno refúgio. Marcia, arquiteta, decidiu que a casa teria grandes janelas e portas de vidro, abrindo para a floresta, (...)
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    The chemical composition of Berry Wax.B. De S. T. J. Van Der Riet - 1905 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 16 (1):443-444.
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    Histoire des marchands sogdiens.Peter B. Golden, Étienne de la Vaissière & Etienne de la Vaissiere - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):173.
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    Das potências da memória. A afirmação da transitoriedade histórica E da eternidade Das ideias.Augusto B. De Carvalho Dias Leite - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (145):107-129.
    RESUMO A partir do exame da tradição heraclitiana e platônica sobre a transitoriedade e a imortalidade - conceitos compreendidos como universais - este artigo defende a seguinte antinomia como tese: para haver temporalidade é preciso haver eternidade. Essa tese é demonstrada por meio do estudo e atualização das noções de alma, espírito, ideia e memória, as quais estão conectadas invariavelmente ao tempo passado como princípio ontológico do fenômeno histórico. Para além do ponto de vista filosófico, portanto, da perspectiva específica do (...)
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    An MRI Study of the Metabolic and Structural Abnormalities in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Juliana B. De Salles Andrade, Fernanda Meireles Ferreira, Chao Suo, Murat Yücel, Ilana Frydman, Marina Monteiro, Paula Vigne, Leonardo F. Fontenelle & Fernanda Tovar-Moll - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Per un barbiere di qualità.J. B. De Souza Freitas - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 2:10-14.
    Nestes nossos tempos gerundistas e de valores-isopores o apelo ao eufemismo e à grandiloquência torna-se palavra de ordem e progresso. Oficinas mecânicas passam a ser chamadas de centros automotivos, açougues transmutam-se em butiques de carnes e sapatarias em recuperadoras de calçados.Daí a gente olha em volta e começa igualmente a não achar mais nem barbearias nem barbeiros.Quedê, perguntamos, a Tesoura de Ouro do Carlão? Pois seu salão ganhou a neomodernosa indicação de Cabeleireiro Masculino e virou ele esteticista capilar. Bate daí (...)
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    Raduan e o phaseolus vulgaris.J. B. De Souza Freitas - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 6.
    Conheci Raduan num sábado entre junho ou julho de 1996. Estimo os meses e garanto o dia e o ano em razão de Menina a caminho. Amizades comuns nos levaram então a participar de festa familiar no paulistano bairro do Pacaembu. Situado em rua tranquila, o restaurado sobrado compunha-se das variadas dependências requeridas em outros tempos por famílias de classes em fase de ascensão. No piso térreo, destacava-se o espaço destinado aos convidados: a ampla sala, integrada à copa e a (...)
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  42. On the Cycle-Transitivity of the Dice Model.B. de Schuymer, H. de Meyer, B. de Baets & S. Jenei - 2003 - Theory and Decision 54 (3):261-285.
    We introduce the notion of a dice model as a framework for describing a class of probabilistic relations. We investigate the transitivity of the probabilistic relation generated by a dice model and prove that it is a special type of cycle-transitivity that is situated between moderate stochastic transitivity or product-transitivity on the one side, and Lukasiewicz-transitivity on the other side. Finally, it is shown that any probabilistic relation with rational elements on a three-dimensional space of alternatives which possesses this particular (...)
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    On the Relation Between Over-Indebtedness and Well-Being: An Analysis of the Mechanisms Influencing Health, Sleep, Life Satisfaction, and Emotional Well-Being.Mário B. Ferreira, Filipa de Almeida, Jerônimo C. Soro, Márcia Maurer Herter, Diego Costa Pinto & Carla Sofia Silva - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper aims to explore the association between over-indebtedness and two facets of well-being – life satisfaction and emotional well-being. Although prior research has associated over-indebtedness with lower life satisfaction, this study contributes to the extant literature by revealing its effects on emotional well-being, which is a crucial component of well-being that has received less attention. Besides subjective well-being, reported health, and sleep quality were also assessed. The findings suggest that over-indebted consumers have lower life satisfaction and emotional well-being, as (...)
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    Le problème Jean-Jacques Rousseau: III.Ernst Cassirer & Marc B. De Launay - 1986 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 91 (4):519 - 537.
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    Bioterrorism and patent rights: "Compulsory licensure" and the case of cipro.David B. Resnik & Kenneth A. De Ville - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (3):29 – 39.
  46. The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Gendered Phenomenologies, Erotic Generosities.Debra B. Bergoffen, Eva Lundgren-Gothlin, Linda Schenk, Karen Vintges & Anne Lavelle - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (3):181-188.
  47. Aspects of Linguistic Behaviour Festschrift R.B. Le Page.R. B. Le Page & M. W. Sugathapala De Silva - 1980 - Dept. Of Language, University of York.
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    Modelos Neurais de Consciência: uma Análise Neurofilosófica.Carlos Eduardo B. De Sousa - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (2):95-128.
    Modelos neurocognitivos têm sido propostos para investigar a consciência. O objetivo é responder à pergunta sobre como o cérebro é capaz de produzir estados conscientes qualitativos. Os modelos são representações teóricas baseadas em algumas pesquisas empíricas. Contudo, a questão central, aparentemente trivial para alguns autores, refere-se à representatividade e confiabilidade dos modelos, i.e., saber se são capazes de explicar como a consciência emerge de processos neurais. Esses modelos são considerados como guia no estudo científico da consciência: os modelos cognitivos de (...)
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    Markets, Governance and Human Development.P. B. Anand & Miriam des GasperTeschl - 2010 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 11 (1):3.
  50.  37
    Loi de Dieu, Lois des Hommes.M. B. Crowe - 1967 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 16:349-349.
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